Feedback Summary Screen

The Assessment Feedback Summary screen displays information about the test or survey taker, along with additional details as determined by the assessment administrator

Among the details that may be presented on this screen are:

  • Name
  • Information entered or confirmed on the login screen
  • The date and time the assessment was started and completed.
  • Various additional information regarding the results of the test or survey, which may include:
    • score
    • topic scores
    • category scores
    • guidance for improvement
    • external links to additional content
    • any other additional information as determined by the assessment administrator

At the end of the assessment, the Assessment Feedback Summary page is displayed. This page presents any information provided (or was displayed) when the assessment was started. Additional information regarding the results of the test or survey, as explained below.

The assessment author determines what summary information, if any, is displayed. Below is information that may be displayed (if enabled for the assessment):

  • If the Overall Score is presented, this is the grade earned for the assessment as a whole.
  • If Group Scores are presented, these are the overal scores earned for each question topic within the assessment
  • Surveys do not display a score or topic information.

Feedback Ending instructions

  • If instructions are displayed on the Feedback Summary Screen, review these carefully. Typically, they provide important information from the assessment author regarding the results or next steps.
  • If additional assessment attempts are allowed (i.e. retakes) retaken, the number of retakes allowed is displayed. When the number of retakes displayed is 0, no additional attempts will be allowed.

Buttons Displayed

If enabled by the assessment administrator, buttons may be presented on the Feedback Summary Screen. The following are some buttons displayed:

  • If enabled by the assessment administrator, the Review Results button enables some or all of the assessment questions to be reviewed by the test taker. This can be all questions or only the questions marked incorrect.
  • If enabled by the assessment administrator, the Email Results button, when selected, will allow a copy of the information presented on the Feedback Summary screen to be send via email. This button, if enabled by the administrator, can also allow an alternate email to be entered in order to email the results to another person. (NOTE he email will not contain the questions and/or answers that appeared on the assessment).
  • If enabled, a Logout button may be displayed (this button label can be changed by the assessment administrator). Selecting this button will close the assessment window OR open a web link designated by the assessment administrator. (NOTE Once the Logout button is selected, the assessment cannot be re-entered).


All onscreen help topics reference the buttons and labels found within the software by their default names. However, these buttons and labels may be customized by the assessment author, so it is possible that a button referenced in the help topic will have a different name from the actual button you see that serves that function. Additionally, authors have the ability to remove buttons from the interface that they feel are unnecessary, so if the help topic references a button that you cannot locate, then it is likely that that button has been removed from your assessment and you can just disregard it.