Marked Questions Review

Review Later - Reviewing Marked Questions

Questions that were either marked using the “Review Later” checkbox, or left unanswered, may be reviewed, and answers may be changed, by selecting the “View Marked Questions” button at the end of this assessment.

When selected, all marked or unanswered questions will be presented in the same order as on the main assessment. Selected answers may be reviewed and/or changed.

Use the Next Page and Prev Page buttons at the bottom of the page to navigate between marked questions.

  • The first page of marked questions presents a Return to Questions button that will return to the main assessment screen.
  • The Next Page button will present the next screen of marked questions.
  • The Prev Page button will return you to the previous screen of marked questions.
  • The Finished button will end the assessment, even if marked or unanswered questions remain.


All onscreen help topics reference the buttons and labels found within the software by their default names. These buttons and labels may be customized by the assessment author. It is possible that a button referenced in this help topic will have a different name that displayed on screen but serves that function. Authors may remove buttons they feel are unnecessary. This help topic could references a button that has been removed for the current assessment.