Agreement Screen

An agreement that must be accept before proceeding to the sign-in page for the assessment.

This page displays an agreement that you must accept before proceeding to the sign-in page for the assessment. You can review the entire agreement by using the scroll bar within the agreement text area. If a printable version of the agreement has been provided, you will see an Open Printable Agreement link below the agreement text area. Click the link to open the agreement in your default PDF file viewer.

To accept the agreement and proceed to the assessment sign-in page, click the I Agree button. If you do not wish to accept the agreement, in which case you will be unable to access the assessment, click the I Disagree button or close the browser window.



All onscreen help topics reference the buttons and labels found within the software by their default names. However, these buttons and labels may be customized by the assessment author, so it is possible that a button referenced in the help topic will have a different name from the actual button you see that serves that function. Additionally, authors have the ability to remove buttons from the interface that they feel are unnecessary, so if the help topic references a button that you cannot locate, then it is likely that that button has been removed from your assessment and you can just disregard it.